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India has been reeling with the latest surge of COVID cases, fatalities, and bizarre black fungus complications. There has been a lack of oxygen, vaccinations, and ICU beds but there is still hope. There are many dedicated front-line workers doing all that they can and one organization that I would like to spotlight is proVISION ASIA.   


It was founded in 1998, in Bangalore, by my parents Chip & Jean Kingery. Founded as a social trust that inspires hope among people with disabilities by providing an environment which fosters transformation. They encourage the vision of abundant life through practical life-skills training; provision of mobility aids, physiotherapy, job placements, education sponsorship, computer training; counseling, government advocacy, and run a small special needs school.

As an NGO, it has been a challenge to pivot through this chaos to ensure that they are still doing all that they can to help people affected by disabilities, all over Karnataka.

These COVID relief initiatives comprise of:

  1. ProCARE packages that include hygiene kits (hand sanitizer, disinfectant, soap, face masks, sanitary napkins) and food (dry goods such as rice, dal, atta, sugar, milk, oil etc). These packages are delivered 2-3 times a week. 2,320 packages have been delivered so far!

  1. Medical proCARE packages consist of medicines specific to the recipient and physical therapy sessions done in their home using strict safety protocols. 300 recipients have received these medical packages so far!

  1. I don’t know about you, but I never imagined that I would be spending HOURS of my life daily on Zoom calls! A lot of these families are in distress, so virtual counseling sessions have been set up to support them.

  2. An international organization asked proVISION ASIA to assist them in providing oxygen to individuals in need.

  3. Food is scarce so they have joined a local NGO to prepare and deliver cooked food to these families affected by disabilities.

  4. The most recent project was a COVID vaccination drive that provided the first dose to 40 of their clients, at no cost. The vaccines were a joint effort with the local BBMP Health Care center. More drives are being scheduled.


Partnerships are desperately needed during this challenging and unsure time. Please consider partnering with proVISION ASIA by volunteering to help deliver these proCARE packages or cooked meals, make calls to clients (in local languages) or donate towards these efforts!

Reach out in 3 easy ways:


Thank you for joining the 26 brave staff members of this incredible organization as they continue to make a positive difference in Bangalore! Help them add to the 7,500 lives that they have already changed in Karnataka!

Keturah is a busy mom of 7-year-old twin daughters living in Dallas, Texas right now. She lived on and off in Bangalore for over 17 years and now misses her paper masala dosas and Fanoos rolls! But does not miss arguing with auto rickshaw drivers…or “crookshaws” as she calls them! Dedicated her life to working with nonprofits committed to social change that offer a hand up, not a handout.


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